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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 11: summary

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An archaeological evaluation at 47 Butt Road, Colchester, Essex - December 1997
by Benfield, S

Date report completed: December 1997
Location: 47 Butt Road, Colchester, Essex
Map reference(s):
File size: 533 kb
Project type: Archaeological evaluation
Significance of the results:
Keywords: Roman, burial

Summary. A small evaluation trench situated to the rear of the property at 47 Butt Road, Colchester, Essex revealed an inhumation burial of probable late Roman date cut into natural sand at a depth of 16cm (0.16m) below the present yard surface. Another similar feature suggests there is a second burial present. This demonstrates that the site lies within the area used for Roman burial, and further inhumations should be expected. The shallow depth of the confirmed burial is probably due to 19th-century terracing and deep features earlier than this reduction in ground level would be expected to survive. However it is clear that any ground works which affect deposits below 0.16m have the potential to damage or destroy significant archaeological remains.