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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 28: summary

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A trial-trenching evaluation of a cropmark site at Abbotstone, Stanway, Colchester: January 1999
by Brooks, H
(with contributions from Benfield, S; Brown, N; Wade, N)

Date report completed: 31/01/1999
Location: Stanway, Colchester, Essex
Map reference(s): TL943227, TL94362282
File size: 949 kb
Project type: Evaluation
Significance of the results: *
Keywords: Cropmarks, Iron Age, trackway/droveway, Roman settlement, earthworks, samian ware, Iron Age, Roman ditch, Roman pottery, prehistoric flint, animal bone, Roman tile, prehistoric pottery

Summary. A trial trenching evaluation across a cropmark site revealed a number of ditches and smaller features. The ditches generally coincided with the expected positions of cropmark features, (although two cropmark ditches were not picked up by the trial trenches or seen in the limited area cleared so far). Limited sample excavation produced pottery ranging from late Iron Age to late Roman. It was estimated that the cropmark complex covers 4 hectares.