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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 278: summary

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An archaeological evaluation at Bocking Hall, Bocking Churchstreet, Bocking, Essex: August 2004
by Crossan, C

Date report completed: 11/11/2004
Location: Bocking, Essex
Map reference(s): TL75682578
File size: 22,138 kb
Project type: Evaluation
Significance of the results: Neg
Keywords: post-medieval, church

Summary. The present Bocking Hall was built in the late 16th century on the probable site of its medieval predecessor which, with the adjacent church, lies in an area believed to have been the original focus of Bocking's medieval settlement. Evaluation trenches were dug to the north-west of the hall on the line of foundations for a new extension and detached garage. The excavation of the trenches revealed widespread deposits of post-medieval to early modern rubble laid to form a terrace on the naturally sloping ground. The levelling lay on an earlier topsoil which merged with underlying subsoil. No archaeologically significant structural remains were recorded during the investigation.