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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 280: summary

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An archaeological watching brief and recording at Brightlingsea Quarry, Moverons Lane, Brightlingsea, Essex: June-July 2004
by Pooley, L

Date report completed: 08/08/2004
Location: Brightlingsea, Essex
Map reference(s): TM0745018190, TM07501830
File size: 553 kb
Project type: Watching brief
Significance of the results: *
Keywords: Iron Age, prehistoric pottery, Neolithic field system, prehistoric field ditches, Roman ditch, earthworks, cropmarks, post-medieval, Roman pottery, trackway/droveway

Summary. An area of approximately 19,600 square metres was stripped in the North Field at Brightlingsea Quarry in Essex. A total of five ditches (two containing pottery dated to the very early/early Iron Age), one post-medieval pit and four modern features were recorded. The ditches appear to relate to the Neolithic and later Iron Age/Roman rectilinear field system laid out over the entire area (previously excavated by CAT in 2002 and 2003).