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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 351: summary

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An archaeological evaluation of St Helena School drama block, Sheepen Road, Colchester, Essex: November 2005
by Orr, K

Date report completed: 12/12/2005
Location: Sheepen, Colchester, Essex
Map reference(s): TL98952580
File size: 3114 kb
Project type: Evaluation
Significance of the results: *
Keywords: Iron Age, Scheduled Ancient Monument, animal bone, flint, coins, ceramic building materials, Roman settlement, Roman ditch

Summary. Three small test-pits were excavated by hand next to the drama block at St Helena School, which is within the scheduled ancient monument of Sheepen. Three cut features were recorded of early Roman, probably 1st century AD date. One ditch appears to have held a post and may have supported a wooden fence. The type of pottery and the presence of animal bone, burnt flint, a coin, slag and Roman tile suggest domestic use similar to that identified as a result of previous investigations at Sheepen. The finds include a sherd of Arretine samian bearing a potter's stamp not recognised in Colchester before. This reinforces the importance of Camulodunum as a centre for trade in the Late Iron Age.