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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 489: summary

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Archaeological monitoring and excavation at Grey Goose Farm Cottage, Orsett, Essex: September 2008
by Adam Wightman

Date report completed: October 2008
Location: Grey Goose Farm Cottage, Orsett, Essex
Map reference(s): TQ 6254 8077
File size: 13,232 kb
Project type: Monitoring and excavation
Significance of the results: Neg
Keywords: post-hole

Summary. The excavation of footings for an extension on the western side of Grey Goose Farm Cottage in Orsett, Essex, was monitored by a CAT archaeologist on the 2nd September 2008. No archaeological deposits or remains were observed in the layers. The only feature cut into the natural was a small post-hole which contained frequent medium stones and one modern pot fragment. A glazed modern drainpipe was also observed in the north-west/south-east footing trench on a north-south alignment. No evidence of the extensive cropmark complex to the north of the site (at TQ 6254 8077) was uncovered.