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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 516: summary

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An archaeological watching brief at the nursery and ranger station, Upper Castle Park, Colchester, Essex: May 2009
by Ben Holloway

Date report completed: June 2009
Location: the nursery and ranger station, Upper Castle Park, Colchester, Essex
Map reference(s): TL 9994 2555 (c)
File size: 18,415 kb
Project type: Watching brief
Significance of the results: neg
Keywords: -

Summary. The site is located in the northern edge of Upper Castle Park to the west of Duncan’s Gate, within Insula 7 of the Roman walled town (Figs 1-2). The site is protected as part of a Scheduled Ancient Monument (Essex SAM no 1). As a consequence of the site’s location, a watching brief was undertaken and observations made at the site during levelling, drainage and associated fencing work to create a formal garden and seating area outside the ranger station for public access. The first phase of work involved the excavation of a French drain and the reduction and levelling of ground to the east of the ranger station between it and some workshops further east. The second phase required the monitoring of fencing designed to separate the public from the nursery yard. The excavation of post-holes for the fencing was carried out through a thin layer of rough patchy tarmac into modern topsoil. The depth of excavation carried out in all instances was highly limited. None of the groundworks impacted upon archaeological deposits.