The site lies on the eastern edge of the site of the historic settlement of St Osyth, and on the western edge of the modern village. St Osyth Priory is 250m to the west.
The site, in the garden of no 35 Clacton Road, consisted of an area of overgrown grass and shrubs. No 35 was a weather-boarded house which occupied the rear of the plot. A new house was proposed for the Clacton Road frontage, on part of the garden.
A 12m-long evaluation trench was positioned in the middle of the footprint of the proposed new building and revealed three post-medieval pits, a post-medieval brick and tile foundation, and a modern post-hole.
No archaeological evidence was recovered relating to the medieval development of St Osyth, or to the priory complex. The excavated features appear to derive from domestic activity associated with properties fronting onto Clacton Road.