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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 615: summary

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An archaeological watching brief at Reeds House, 40 London Road, Maldon, Essex - September 2011
by Donald Shimmin
(with contributions from -)

Date report completed: September 2011
Location: Reeds House, 40 London Road, Maldon, Essex
Map reference(s): TL 84590 07113
File size: 15,265 kb
Project type: Archaeological watching brief
Significance of the results: neg
Keywords: -

Summary. An archaeological watching brief took place at Reeds House, 40 London Road, Maldon, Essex, during the machine-excavation of two test-pits. These were dug for ground investigation purposes in advance of a proposed development, which included a garage and boat shed, and a new gateway into the rear of the property. The site lies close to the centre of the historic town of Maldon, in an area where Iron Age and Saxon remains, as well as later deposits, might be expected. In both test-pits there was a thick layer of dark greyish-brown topsoil or ‘dark earth’. This was approximately 1.0m thick and finds of modern date were found throughout the deposit. In conclusion, no significant archaeological remains were uncovered. A small quantity of unstratified finds, including fragments of modern pottery and glass, clay pipe, peg-tile and animal bone, was recovered from the machine spoil but subsequently discarded.