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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 786: summary

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Stage 2 archaeological evaluation at Colchester North, Colchester, Essex - August-September 2014
by Howard Brooks with Stephen Benfield
(with contributions from -)

Date report completed: September 2014
Location: Colchester North, Colchester, Essex
Map reference(s): TL 985 285 (c)
File size: 3,146 kb
Project type: Archaeological evaluation
Significance of the results: *
Keywords: post-medieval, tile kiln

Summary. The Stage 1 archaeological evaluation in advance of the proposed development of land at ‘Colchester North’ (previously referred to as the ‘Northern Growth Area Urban Extension’ - NGAUE) was carried out in 2011, and reported in Colchester Archaeological Trust (CAT) Report 627. Some areas of land were unavailable for evaluation in 2011. Consequently, there was a continuing requirement for a Stage 2 evaluation to complete the coverage of the development area. The Stage 2 evaluation was carried out in 2014 by means of thirty-four trial-trenches on the proposed sites of sports pitches and ponds along the northern site edge (along the southern edge of the A12 corridor) and on land close to Cants Rose Fields, off Nayland Road. Very little of archaeological significance was found. There were only twelve archaeological features, mainly post-medieval and later field ditches and pits. The very small amount of medieval material (one feature, three sherds) shows that the medieval kilns which must be located somewhere close to this site were certainly not west of Nayland Road.