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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 1746: summary

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Archaeological evaluation and monitoring on land north-west of Montpelier Villa, Blasford Hill, Little Waltham, CM3 3PG: November 2021
by Sarah Veasey
(with contributions from Dr Matthew Loughton and Laura Pooley)

Date report completed: November 2021
Location: Land north-west of Montpelier Villa, Blasford Hill, Little Waltham, CM3 3PG
Map reference(s): TL 7065 1194 (centre)
File size: 5680 kb
Project type: Evaluation
Significance of the results:
Keywords: Montpelier Villa

Summary. Archaeological evaluation was carried out on land north-west of Montpelier Villa, Little Waltham, Essex in advance of the construction of ten new dwellings. There are several nearby archaeological sites including a Roman settlement to the south-east and a multiperiod settlement and scheduled monument to the north.

A total of 15 features were identified during this evaluation; seven pits, seven ditches and a gully. The finds recovered revealed the site is located within the vicinity of a settlement, perhaps related to the Roman settlement to the south-east. The fired-clay fragments perhaps indicating the presence of a wattle and daub structure. A small quantity of finds, including a shard of polychrome glass, possibly point to a higher status inhabitant.

Four Window sample bore-holes were also observed, two of which contained material from a potential archaeological horizon.