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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 1952: summary

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Archaeological monitoring at Cressing Temple Barns, Witham Road, Cressing, Essex, CM77 8PD: June 2023
by Bronagh Quinn

Date report completed: July 2023
Location: Cressing Temple Barns, Witham Road, Cressing, Essex, CM77 8PD
Map reference(s): TL 79935 18584
File size: 7,062 kb kb
Project type: archaeological monitoring
Significance of the results:

Summary. Archaeological monitoring was carried out at Cressing Temple Barns, Witham Road, Cressing, Essex during groundworks for the construction of a new ramped access. Cressing Temple Barns is the site of three Grade I listed timber-framed buildings; the Wheat Barn (NHLE no 1123866), the Barley Barn (NHLE no 1123865) and a later Granary/Stable block (NHLE no 1123867). The monitoring uncovered nothing of archaeological significance