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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 1997: summary

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Archaeological evaluation at Bellhouse Farm, Warren Lane, Stanway, Colchester, Essex, CO3 8LS: September-October 2023
by Dr Elliott Hicks
(with contributions from Dr Matthew Loughton, Tabitha Lawrence, Laura Pooley and Adam Wightman)

Date report completed: January 2007
Location: Bellhouse Farm, Warren Lane, Stanway, Colchester, Essex, CO3 8LS
Map reference(s): TL 94011 22905 (centre)
File size: 15,819 kb
Project type: evaluation
Significance of the results:

Summary. An archaeological evaluation (62 trial-trenches) was carried out at Bellhouse Farm, Warren Lane, Stanway, Colchester, Essex in advance of the proposed continuation of mineral extraction. The site lies in an archaeologically sensitive area. Excavations carried out to the south-east during 1999-2001 revealed evidence of activity during the Neolithic and Late Bronze Age, a Middle Iron Age settlement which continued in existence into the 2nd century AD, as well as some evidence of activity during the 12th to the 13th century.

The current evaluation uncovered a historical landscape which appears to be sparser in archaeological remains. An Early Iron Age pit produced a substantial assemblage of finds, indicating that a settlement existed somewhere in the vicinity during this period.

A Middle Iron Age pit and a ditch dating to the Middle Iron Age or Late Iron Age were also recorded, and these were likely associated with the settlement previously uncovered to the south-east. Other dated remains were the product of agricultural activity, and consisted of a medieval or post-medieval gully and a late post-medieval or modern field boundary ditch. Due to a lack of finds, however, the majority of features could not be dated.