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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 2013: summary

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Archaeological monitoring and recording at St Helena School, Sheepen Road, Colchester, CO3 3LE: August 2023-January 2024
by Megan Beale
(with contributions from Tabitha Lawrence, Dr Matthew Loughton, Laura Pooley and Alec Wade)

Date report completed: August 2023-January 2024
Location: St Helena School, Sheepen Road, Colchester, CO3 3LE
Map reference(s): TL 98971 25786 (centre)
File size: 2131 kb
Project type: Archaeological monitoring and recording
Significance of the results:

Summary. Archaeological monitoring and recording was carried out at St Helena School, Sheepen Road, Colchester, Essex ahead of the construction of a new modular school building, fencing and associated groundworks. The site is within the Late Iron Age/Early Roman oppidum of Camulodunum, specifically in the north of the trading depot and quayside, Sheepen. The school grounds also straddle a Scheduled Monument zone within which are the remains of two Romano-Celtic temples. Although most of the work conducted lay outside of the Scheduled Monument zone, several likely Roman features, including a possible metalled surface, were noted during this monitoring. Two undated features and a post medieval/modern pit were also encountered.