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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 2015: summary

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Archaeological evaluation at Manor Nursery, Thaxted Road, Wimbish, Essex, CB10 2UT: December 2023
by Harvey Furniss
(with contributions from Dr Matthew Loughton, Bronagh Rae-Quinn, Adam Wightman)

Date report completed: January 2024
Location: Manor Nursery, Thaxted Road, Wimbish, Essex, CB10 2UT
Map reference(s): TL 56446 35443 (centre)
File size: 12,681kb kb
Project type: evaluation
Significance of the results:

Summary. An archaeological evaluation (five trial-trenches) was carried out at the former Manor Nursery, Thaxted Road, Wimbish, Essex, in advance of the construction of four new dwellings. The site lies on the road from Saffron Walden to the Debden barracks, south-west of the village of Wimbish. Excavations revealed three pits, two of which yielded prehistoric finds.