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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 2054: summary

(Click on report title to view full report in PDF format)

Archaeological monitoring and recording at Wingfield College, Church Road, Wingfield, Suffolk, IP21 5RA: March-May 2024
by Sarah Veasey
(with contributions from Emma Holloway)

Date report completed: May 2024
Location: Wingfield College, Church Road, Wingfield, Suffolk, IP21 5RA
Map reference(s): TM 2302 7676
File size: 1,101kb kb
Project type: Archaeological monitoring and recording
Significance of the results:

Summary. Archaeological monitoring and recording was carried out at Wingfield College, Church Road, Wingfield, Suffolk during the excavation of internal floor layers in preparation for the installation of underfloor heating. Wingfield College is a Grade II* listed building that was founded in the 14th century as a college for priests. A post-medieval brick structure was identified in the Great Hall, while works in the kitchen and passageway were not deep enough to disturb anything except modern layers.