Colchester Archaeological Trust
CAT Report 2111: summary
(Click on report title to view full report in PDF format)
Archaeological monitoring and recording at
Britannia Car Park, Britannia Way, Colchester,
Essex, CO2 7EF: November 2024
by Dr Patrick Spencer
(with contributions from Dr Matthew Loughton and Laura Pooley)
Date report completed: December
Location: Britannia Car Park, Britannia Way, Colchester, Essex, CO2 7EF
Map reference(s): TM 00067 24899
File size: 2,814 kb
Project type: Archaeological monitoring and recording
Significance of the results:
Archaeological monitoring and recording was carried out at Britannia Car Park, Britannia Way,
Colchester, Essex, during the excavation of three 1m² trial-pits along the train station’s northern
wall. The trial-pits were located just outside the precinct of St Botolph’s Priory, with other
archaeological remains, principally Roman, in the vicinity of the development site. However, all
groundworks impacted on only modern (19th-20th century) remains and one undated layer at
the base of trial-pit 1. The modern remains are associated with the industrial history of the site.