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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 124: summary

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An archaeological watching brief at Olivers Orchard, Olivers Lane, Colchester, Essex: February 2001
by Orr, K

Date report completed: 02/02/2001
Location: Gosbecks, Colchester, Essex
Map reference(s): TL96872173, TL96872173, TL96872173
File size: 959 kb
Project type: Watching brief (negative)
Significance of the results: Neg

Summary. Observations were made just outside the scheduled area of Gosbecks (Scheduled Monument no 57), during work to insert a stand-pipe by Anglian Water. The trench measured 1.6m x 600mm x 1.1m deep. The investigations showed that no archaeological features or finds were present within the trench. The trench had already been disturbed by the excavation for the existing Anglian Water pipe down to over a metre. Only modern items were retrieved from the trench. The negative results are due to the small size of the trench and the disturbance. It does not necessarily indicate an absence of archaeology in the immediate area.