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Colchester Archaeological Trust

CAT Report 1943: summary

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Historic building recording of a barn at Tylde Hall Farm, Heath Road, Ramsden Heath, Billericay CM11 1HP:June 2023
by Sarah Veasey

Date report completed: June 2023
Location: Tylde Hall Farm, Heath Road, Ramsden Heath, Billericay CM11 1HP
Map reference(s): TQ 69490 95392
File size: 6,689 kb kb
Project type: Historic building recording
Significance of the results:

Summary. A programme of historic building recording was carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust on a barn at Tylde Hall Farm, Heath Road, Ramsden Heath, Billericay. The HER records the barn at Tylde Hall Farm as being designed and constructed by Frederic Chancellor, a prolific local architect, in 1870. This is, however, inaccurate as the barn appears on earlier-dated mapping. The barn is a late 18th/early 19th century timber-framed threshing barn with later extensions, including stables and a garage. The timber-frame of the barn is visible from the exterior, where a large number of carpenters' marks were observed. Further carpenters' marks, along with Baltic timber marks, were observed on the interior of the barn. A large number of reused timbers are present through the frame of the barn and its extension. Two floors and a number of windows have been inserted into the barn.